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54 number plates
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Current plates
Buy online and save £10
- YR54 LAT £370
- YR54 LAV £154
- YR54 LAW £370
- YR54 LAY £154
- YR54 LAZ £154
- YR54 LBR £154
- YR54 LBS £154
- YR54 LCR £154
- YR54 LCS £154
- YR54 LDR £154
- YR54 LDS £154
- YR54 LEE £457
- YR54 LEG £154
- YR54 LEH £1,150
- YR54 LEK £370
- YR54 LEM £1,150
- YR54 LEN £370
- YR54 LEO £154
- YR54 LER £154
- YR54 LET £154
- YR54 LEV £154
- YR54 LEW £154
- YR54 LEY £278
- YR54 LEZ £154
- YR54 LFR £154
- YR54 LFS £154
- YR54 LGR £154
- YR54 LGS £154
- YR54 LHR £154
- YR54 LHS £154
- YR54 LJR £154
- YR54 LJS £154
- YR54 LKR £154
- YR54 LKS £154
- YR54 LLL £154
- YR54 LLR £154
- YR54 LLS £804
- YR54 LMR £154
- YR54 LMS £154
- YR54 LNL £154
- YR54 LNR £154
- YR54 LNS £154
- YR54 LOG £154
- YR54 LON £804
- YR54 LOO £370
- YR54 LOR £154
- YR54 LOS £154
- YR54 LOT £154
- YR54 LOU £370
- YR54 LOV £154
- YR54 LOW £154
- YR54 LPR £154
- YR54 LPS £154
- YR54 LRR £154
- YR54 LRS £154
- YR54 LSA £804
- YR54 LSR £154
- YR54 LSS £154
- YR54 LTR £154
- YR54 LTS £1,150