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21 number plates
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Current plates
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- YR21 LAC £278
- YR21 LAD £278
- YR21 LAE £278
- YR21 LAF £278
- YR21 LAG £278
- YR21 LAH £278
- YR21 LAJ £278
- YR21 LAK £278
- YR21 LAL £278
- YR21 LAM £278
- YR21 LAN £278
- YR21 LAO £278
- YR21 LAP £278
- YR21 LAR £278
- YR21 LAS £278
- YR21 LAT £278
- YR21 LAU £804
- YR21 LAV £278
- YR21 LAW £669
- YR21 LAX £278
- YR21 LAY £278
- YR21 LAZ £278
- YR21 LBR £278
- YR21 LBS £278
- YR21 LBY £278
- YR21 LCH £278
- YR21 LCR £278
- YR21 LCS £278
- YR21 LCY £278
- YR21 LDR £278
- YR21 LDS £278
- YR21 LDY £278
- YR21 LEA £278
- YR21 LEB £278
- YR21 LEC £278
- YR21 LED £278
- YR21 LEE £804
- YR21 LEF £278
- YR21 LEG £278
- YR21 LEH £278
- YR21 LEJ £278
- YR21 LEK £278
- YR21 LEL £278
- YR21 LEM £278
- YR21 LEN £669
- YR21 LEP £278
- YR21 LER £278
- YR21 LES £669
- YR21 LET £278
- YR21 LEU £278
- YR21 LEV £278
- YR21 LEW £278
- YR21 LEX £278
- YR21 LEY £553
- YR21 LEZ £278
- YR21 LFR £278
- YR21 LFS £278
- YR21 LFY £278
- YR21 LGR £278
- YR21 LGS £278