Look at these high-earning results from previous DVLA Auctions! It’s always interesting to see what registrations are selling for. Take a look here at some of the high earning DVLA Auction results.
- 613 VGS £800
- VIB 73 £170
- VIG 8055 £70
- VJA 44Y £300
- 2023 VK £1,500
- VLA 89D £300
- 3 VLB £1,200
- 1 VLJ £2,400
- 4 VMW £1,200
- 14 VN £2,200
- VOW 19S £300
- VRZ 999 £100
- 91 VSD £1,200
- VSP 10W £300
- V860 UCH £200
- VVV 6 £1,200
- VWG 901F £250
- 3 VXH £400
- 8 VXR £1,200
- 555 VYR £250
- 768 W £2,500
- WAF 1K £500
- W163 AMG £200
- WAT 59N £300
- WBE 5S £350
- WC 123 £2,200
- 209 WDY £250
- WEF 111X £250
- W511 EKH £200
- WE73 NDY £250
- 1 WFG £2,400
- W41 GGY £200