Look at these high-earning results from previous DVLA Auctions! It’s always interesting to see what registrations are selling for. Take a look here at some of the high earning DVLA Auction results.
- 288 SVJ £800
- 1997 SW £1,500
- 98 SWA £1,200
- SXM 11R £300
- S411 YGE £200
- 9090 T £2,500
- 660 TA £2,200
- TAA 120N £250
- TAF 24L £300
- TAH 17A £300
- T411 AKA £200
- TAM 82R £300
- TAM 332X £250
- 77 TAO £1,200
- TAO 15M £300
- TAR 417S £250
- TAV 15C £300
- TAX 111X £250
- TAY 33M £300
- 121 TB £2,200
- TBA 22S £300
- 62 TBD £1,200
- T470 CAB £200
- 12 TDM £1,200
- TDY 14N £300
- 247 TED £800
- TE14 DDY £250
- TED 71E £300
- TEJ 22S £300
- T178 ERT £200
- TE03 SLA £250
- 300 TEY £1,200