Look at these high-earning results from previous DVLA Auctions! It’s always interesting to see what registrations are selling for. Take a look here at some of the high earning DVLA Auction results.
- SCF 7X £350
- SCL 421E £250
- SC24 OTT £250
- S93 CSS £200
- SCU 11E £300
- 260 SD £2,200
- 19 SDM £1,200
- 143 SDS £800
- 911 SEB £1,200
- 13 SED £1,200
- S94 EED £200
- S443 ENY £200
- SET 11H £300
- S541 FFF £200
- S41 GAR £200
- 911 SGH £1,200
- S301 GHE £200
- S91 GMS £200
- SGZ 11 £170
- 993 SH £2,200
- SHA 227A £250
- S245 HAD £200
- SHA 13D £300
- SHA 6K £350
- SHA 2L £350
- SHA 22M £300
- SHA 817S £250
- SHA 75X £300
- S71 HEL £200
- SH73 ELL £250
- SHE 54N £300
- SH07 EPS £250