Look at these high-earning results from previous DVLA Auctions! It’s always interesting to see what registrations are selling for. Take a look here at some of the high earning DVLA Auction results.
- RO09 CKY £250
- ROD 80P £300
- ROE 53C £300
- ROH 1A £500
- RO12 HAN £250
- ROH 177K £250
- ROM 666N £250
- 72 RON £1,200
- ROS 370V £250
- ROU 53B £300
- ROY 69G £300
- 2007 RP £1,500
- RPA 70N £300
- RRE 111D £250
- RRE 6S £350
- 247 RRS £800
- RRZ 800 £100
- 303 RS £2,200
- 1992 RS £1,500
- R115 SHA £200
- RSM 41E £300
- RSN 1K £500
- RST 86E £300
- R52 STH £200
- 105 RT £2,200
- 777 RTS £1,200
- RUB 331N £250
- 8 RUH £1,200
- 411 RUM £800
- 6 RUP £1,200
- RVS 1 £2,400
- 11 RWH £1,200