Look at these high-earning results from previous DVLA Auctions! It’s always interesting to see what registrations are selling for. Take a look here at some of the high earning DVLA Auction results.
- RAT 7J £350
- RAV 44L £300
- 3 RAX £400
- RAY 66N £300
- RAY 9X £350
- 553 RCE £800
- 77 RCL £1,200
- R94 COX £200
- 22 RCP £1,200
- 105 RD £2,200
- R506 DAN £200
- R756 DBL £200
- RDH 111T £250
- RDL 5F £350
- R52 DLS £200
- RDL 10W £300
- RDU 83Y £300
- RED 30X £300
- REE 3V £350
- R73 ELB £200
- REM 16 £1,200
- REM 1M £500
- REN 17L £300
- R96 ETH £200
- RET 6K £350
- REU 38N £300
- REX 10 £1,200
- 515 RFS £800
- R32 GAL £200
- 9 RGE £1,200
- RGZ 7 £500
- R95 HAD £200