Look at these high-earning results from previous DVLA Auctions! It’s always interesting to see what registrations are selling for. Take a look here at some of the high earning DVLA Auction results.
- 6 OGY £400
- 8319 OH £1,500
- OHP 1A £500
- OIB 37 £170
- OIG 77 £170
- OIL 104 £100
- OLD 834R £250
- OMU 65M £300
- ONK 431R £250
- ONS 3T £350
- 690 OO £2,200
- OOH 750S £250
- 200 OOO £1,200
- OO52 OOO £250
- 511 OOT £800
- 198 OPD £800
- 634 OPG £800
- 31 OPS £1,200
- ORH 2N £350
- ORW 311S £250
- 20 ORY £1,200
- ORZ 80 £170
- 197 OS £2,200
- OS19 CAR £250
- 3 OSD £1,200
- OSH 5 £1,200
- 11 OTA £1,200
- OUI 91 £170
- OUI 893 £100
- OUT 500N £250
- OVA 805S £250
- 570 OVF £800