Look at these high-earning results from previous DVLA Auctions! It’s always interesting to see what registrations are selling for. Take a look here at some of the high earning DVLA Auction results.
- NPO 88X £300
- N47 ROR £200
- NRS 110K £250
- NRZ 700 £100
- 2 NSN £1,200
- NSS 12 £1,200
- 841 NSX £250
- 440 NT £2,200
- 24 NUH £1,200
- NUM 77N £300
- NVO 1A £500
- 707 NXG £250
- 29 NXP £300
- 1995 NY £1,500
- 5 NYG £400
- 100 NYN £250
- 918 O £2,500
- 4 OAD £1,200
- OAD 111R £250
- OAK 713Y £250
- OAS 15X £300
- 66 OAT £1,200
- 8 OBJ £1,200
- 2020 OC £1,500
- OCE 47N £300
- 41 OCL £1,200
- 4 OCM £1,200
- 10 OCO £1,200
- ODD 11N £300
- 666 OEV £1,200
- 94 OG £2,200
- 2019 OG £1,500