Look at these high-earning results from previous DVLA Auctions! It’s always interesting to see what registrations are selling for. Take a look here at some of the high earning DVLA Auction results.
- ALL 500P £250
- A211 LTS £200
- ALY 80N £300
- 1995 AM £1,500
- A430 MAS £200
- A81 MAY £200
- AMB 11A £300
- A111 MEB £200
- AME 511K £250
- AME 32R £300
- AMH 65X £300
- AMK 80Y £300
- AM74 NDA £250
- A30 MOG £200
- AMP 51E £300
- A54 MRT £200
- AMR 444T £250
- AMR 4X £350
- AMY 111B £250
- AMY 317C £250
- AMZ 17 £170
- 1996 AN £1,500
- A74 NDE £200
- AND 3H £350
- A44 NDO £200
- ANE 123A £250
- ANG 3C £350
- A557 NGH £200
- ANN 116E £250
- ANO 6P £350
- ANU 31S £300
- ANV 33R £300