Look at these high-earning results from previous DVLA Auctions! It’s always interesting to see what registrations are selling for. Take a look here at some of the high earning DVLA Auction results.
- MRA 22A £300
- MRA 170N £250
- MRC 4L £350
- MRJ 4H £350
- MRJ 17Y £300
- MRK 41E £300
- MRK 311Y £250
- MRM 118H £250
- MR71 MMS £250
- 61 MRN £1,200
- 79 MRP £1,200
- MRP 150N £250
- MRR 834N £250
- MRS 44R £300
- MRS 548Y £250
- MRT 5M £350
- MRU 9E £350
- M47 RYC £200
- M414 RYM £200
- MRZ 42 £170
- M411 SEE £200
- M41 SEN £200
- M84 SHA £200
- MSK 15 £1,200
- MSK 2A £350
- MSL 63B £300
- 13 MSN £1,200
- MSO 1A £500
- MSS 17 £1,200
- MSS 666 £1,200
- M47 SWN £200
- MTC 41F £300