Look at these high-earning results from previous DVLA Auctions! It’s always interesting to see what registrations are selling for. Take a look here at some of the high earning DVLA Auction results.
- MKR 4M £350
- MKR 17X £300
- MKW 4N £350
- 911 MKY £250
- 23 MLA £1,200
- M98 LCR £200
- M54 LES £200
- MLH 1M £500
- M417 LOW £200
- M411 LOY £200
- 69 MLR £1,200
- M43 MAE £200
- M78 MNW £200
- 7 MMR £1,200
- 23 MMS £1,200
- MNE 41E £300
- M355 NGR £200
- MNO 81E £300
- M35 NRY £200
- MNW 41E £300
- MOE 91B £300
- MOH 443D £250
- MOH 577N £250
- MOM 4N £350
- M455 ONJ £200
- MON 11M £300
- M145 ONN £200
- MOS 2Y £350
- M32 OTT £200
- MPH 60X £300
- MPR 110R £250
- M74 PYN £200