Look at these high-earning results from previous DVLA Auctions! It’s always interesting to see what registrations are selling for. Take a look here at some of the high earning DVLA Auction results.
- 55 JLX £300
- 118 JM £2,200
- JMA 22S £300
- JMB 2X £350
- JMC 88F £300
- JMC 611L £250
- J35 MET £200
- JMH 2S £350
- JMM 1X £500
- 488 JMS £800
- JMT 80A £300
- J814 NCO £200
- J451 NGH £200
- J47 NUG £200
- JNZ 43 £170
- 250 JO £2,200
- JOB 133D £250
- JOE 23F £300
- J42 OHN £200
- JO14 NES £250
- JON 353S £250
- JOR 4D £350
- JO23 RDY £250
- JOS 111C £250
- JOU 13S £300
- J41 OWE £200
- JOY 11A £300
- JOY 173R £250
- 3333 JP £2,000
- JPD 1P £500
- J97 PSG £200
- JPT 88J £300