Look at these high-earning results from previous DVLA Auctions! It’s always interesting to see what registrations are selling for. Take a look here at some of the high earning DVLA Auction results.
- JMC 80Y £300
- JMD 41Y £300
- JME 42S £300
- J89 MJG £200
- J545 MOT £200
- JMT 24D £300
- JMW 1T £500
- 130 JN £2,200
- 12 JND £1,200
- J760 NES £200
- J425 NGH £200
- J179 NNY £200
- J37 NSY £200
- JNU 5S £350
- JOD 96X £300
- JOD 71Y £300
- JOE 96C £300
- JOE 86T £300
- JOG 33Y £300
- JOH 411G £250
- JO05 HNS £250
- JOO 55H £300
- J6 OOO £200
- JOR 94D £300
- JOS 94H £300
- JOS 110K £250
- 13 JOY £1,200
- 1982 JP £1,500
- JPC 1T £500
- J241 PHS £200
- JRA 22A £300
- J845 RAS £200