Look at these high-earning results from previous DVLA Auctions! It’s always interesting to see what registrations are selling for. Take a look here at some of the high earning DVLA Auction results.
- HKH 401M £250
- HKS 805S £250
- H111 LLC £200
- H41 LLE £200
- 123 HM £2,200
- H47 MES £200
- H444 MXD £200
- H67 MYL £200
- 97 HN £2,200
- HNE 4L £350
- HNS 4 £1,200
- H99 NYF £200
- 2222 HO £2,000
- HOL 312Y £250
- HO62 NEY £250
- HOP 3H £350
- HOT 80S £300
- H412 PRT £200
- HRA 710R £250
- H91 RBY £200
- 600 HRC £1,200
- H66 RRY £200
- H233 RSH £200
- H44 RTH £200
- H74 RTS £200
- H422 RYR £200
- H333 RYS £200
- HRY 12X £300
- 650 HS £2,200
- H188 SAM £200
- HSA 11M £300
- 88 HSS £1,200