Look at these high-earning results from previous DVLA Auctions! It’s always interesting to see what registrations are selling for. Take a look here at some of the high earning DVLA Auction results.
- CJT 428F £250
- CJW 1X £500
- C70 KLL £200
- CKZ 461 £100
- C70 LLJ £200
- CLS 100 £1,200
- C412 LYT £200
- 8080 CM £1,500
- C41 MCF £200
- CMF 783D £250
- C63 MKT £200
- CMK 311Y £250
- C421 MMM £200
- CMO 53S £300
- CMZ 3 £500
- C411 NBC £200
- C114 NDE £200
- C120 NEY £200
- CNW 805S £250
- COB 6A £350
- COB 11N £300
- COL 67Y £300
- COM 9R £350
- CON 805S £250
- CO08 RAL £250
- CO12 STA £250
- COU 27S £300
- COV 4N £350
- COX 5G £350
- 2002 CP £1,500
- CPH 26J £300
- C444 PLE £200